Gossalba to Petra

Petra is a village located 10 kilometers from the agrotourism, at 111 meters of altitude and with 2,800 inhabitants. It is famous for being the town where Fra Juníper Serra was born in 1713, known for his evangelization work in California, where he died.

We are leaving Gossalba through Binifarda, the neighboring farm, to surround Sant Joan on the north and take the path that leaves left the possession of “La Bastida”, until we find the path of Son Baró, where we turn to the right.

Now we go back a little until we find the path of Son Maimó and walk it to the end, where, to cross the train tracks we have to zigzag and pass under the road and then up the bridge to return to a rural road that will allow us to enter Petra through the back of the church of Sant Pere.

In the village you can visit the house of Fra Juníper Serra Museum. The area of ​​the convent of the nuns and the convent of Sant Bernadí is beautiful.

The two squares that make up the town center are always full of people.

Information about the route

  • Recommended route to do from Agroturisme Gossalba by bike or on foot. All the way runs through rural roads except a small part of the road to a zigzag road.
  • Minimum difficulty
  • Linear route, going and back along the same path. You can also make a circular route if, when you return, go to the Basilica of Bonany and make this return trip.
  • Track of the route in GPX format.
  • Map of the route in PDF format.