Gossalba to Hermitage of Bonany

The hermitage of Bonany is located in the hill of the same name, between Sant Joan, Vilafranca and Petra, in this last municipal term, at 317 meters high. It was built in the 17th century and rebuilt in 1920 after being sunk by lightning.

Information about the route

We leave Gossalba and go around Sant Joan on the north and east, entering the Carrer de la Bastida to find the path of Son Baró.

Further on, turn to the right and take the Calicant road that will take us to the Sant Joan-Petra road, a few meters from the Camí de l’Infern (Inferno road) where we will begin the ascent to the Puig de Bonany. This road can only be done with mountain biking. There are alternative routes with better pavement.